
查股网  2024-10-26  飞亚达(000026)公司公告

Stock codes: 000026, 200026 Stock abbreviations: FIYTA, FIYTA B Announcement No.: 2024-038

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

Q3 2024 ReportThe Company and the Board of Directors ensure that the information disclosed is truthful, accurate, and complete,with no false records, misleading statements, or significant omissions.Key content tips:

1. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, and the directors, supervisors, and senior managementguarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the quarterly report, with no false records, misleadingstatements, or significant omissions, and bear individual and joint legal responsibility.

2. The person in charge of the Company, the CFO, and the Financial Manager (Accounting Supervisor) declare toensure that the financial information in the quarterly report is truthful, accurate, and complete.

3. Whether the Q3 report has been audited


I. Key Financial Data

(I) Main accounting data and financial indicatorsDoes the Company need to retrospectively adjust or restate the accounting data in previous years?No

The current reporting periodChange in the current reporting period compared to the same period last yearBeginning of the year to the end of the reporting periodIncrease/decrease from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period compared to the same period last year
Operating revenue (RMB)963,368,988.81-17.15%3,039,766,900.13-13.82%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company (RMB)50,484,466.22-35.41%197,622,948.56-25.58%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company excluding non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)50,362,069.34-33.32%190,807,291.15-24.54%
Net cash flow from operating activities (RMB)317,367,961.38-33.75%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.1256-34.65%0.4824-25.08%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)0.1254-34.76%0.4818-25.17%
Weighted average return on equity1.52%-0.90%5.88%-2.34%
End of the current reporting periodEnd of the previous yearChange at the end of the current reporting period compared to the end of the previous year
Total assets (RMB)4,188,811,409.754,204,260,897.08-0.37%
Owner's equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company (RMB)3,370,652,933.493,333,805,752.191.11%

(II) Non-recurring gains and losses items and amounts

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current reporting periodAmount from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting periodNotes
Loss/gain on disposal of non-current assets (including reversal of provision for asset-253,177.382,653,033.29
Government grants recognized in current profit and loss (excluding those closely related to the Company's normal operations, in compliance with national policies, entitled in accordance with set standards, and having a sustained impact on the Company's profit and loss)162,372.251,576,811.63
Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables subject to individual impairment testing96,375.673,399,306.40
Other operating incomes and expenses excluding the above items97,246.921,196,552.42
Less: Income tax impact-19,579.422,010,046.33

Specific circumstances of other items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains and losses:

Not applicableExplanation of circumstances where items listed as non-recurring gains and losses in Explanatory Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities Publicly - Non-recurring Gains and Losses are classifiedas recurringNot applicable

(III) Changes in main accounting data and financial indicators and reasons

1. Consolidated balance sheet items

ItemEnd of the current reporting periodEnd of the previous yearChange ratioReason for change

Notes receivable

Notes receivable24,606,908.6018,268,972.3734.69%It was mainly due to the growth of bill transactions related to precision technology.

Other non-currentassets

Other non-current assets2,353,256.109,434,627.17-75.06%It was mainly due to the decrease in prepaid store decoration payments.

Accounts payable

Accounts payable101,584,073.03173,825,907.71-41.56%It was mainly due to the decrease in the purchase of luxury watches.

Contract liabilities

Contract liabilities20,023,549.0212,286,243.6262.98%It was mainly due to the increase in deposits received in advance.

Employee benefitspayable

Employee benefits payable75,933,801.61120,084,810.60-36.77%It is mainly due to the impact of granting the year-end bonus in the previous year and the provision of year-end bonus this year.

Treasury share

Treasury share13,379,181.8178,645,532.23-82.99%It was mainly due to the cancellation of repurchased B shares.

2. Consolidated income statement items from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodChange ratioReason for change

Other income

Other income3,418,006.558,149,590.70-58.06%It was mainly due to the decrease in government subsidies.

Investment income

Investment income495,966.46-1,697,481.65129.22%It was mainly due to the increase in profits of associate companies.

Income from assetdisposal

Income from asset disposal2,653,033.29892,421.07197.28%It was mainly due to the impact of disposing of certain properties.


Non-operating income1,625,836.27663,757.42144.94%It was mainly due to the increase in compensation received for rights protection.

3. Consolidated cash flow statement items from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodChange ratioReason for change

Refund of taxes andsurcharges

Refund of taxes and surcharges1,953,384.441,273,051.2753.44%It was mainly due to the increase in VAT refunds received.

Net cash received fromdisposal of fixed assets,intangible assets andother long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets4,820,218.371,203,099.10300.65%It was mainly due to the impact of disposing of certain properties.

Cash received fromother investing activities

Cash received from other investing activities171,506,575.500.00-It was mainly due to the increase in time deposit transactions.

Cash paid for otherinvesting activities

Cash paid for other investing activities215,214,392.400.00-It was mainly due to the increase in time deposit transactions.

Cash paid fordistribution of dividendsand profits or paymentof interest

Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment of interest166,775,880.35112,333,808.9748.46%It was mainly due to the increase in cash dividends.

Cash paid for otherfinancing activities

Cash paid for other financing activities88,815,458.65151,416,099.18-41.34%It was mainly due to the decrease in share repurchase expenses.

II. Shareholder Information(I) Total number of common shareholders and number of preferred shareholders with restoredvoting rights, and the top ten shareholders' shareholding details

Unit: Shares

Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period27,378Total number of preferred shareholders with restored voting rights at the end of the reporting period (if any)0
Top ten shareholders' shareholding details (excluding shares lent through refinancing)
Shareholder nameNature of shareholderPercentage of sharesNumber of shares heldNumber of restricted shares heldPledge, marking or freezing
Status of sharesQuantity
AVIC International Holding Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person40.16%162,977,3270Not applicable0
#Wu JilinDomestic4.72%19,170,4780Not applicable0
natural person
Xu GuoliangDomestic natural person1.36%5,524,2680Not applicable0
Qiu HongDomestic natural person0.62%2,510,0000Not applicable0
#Zhu RuiDomestic natural person0.50%2,044,2000Not applicable0
#Qu YongjieDomestic natural person0.33%1,331,9000Not applicable0
#Wang XingDomestic natural person0.32%1,302,5000Not applicable0
Chen HaoDomestic natural person0.28%1,149,5430Not applicable0
#Zhu XianDomestic natural person0.26%1,072,5400Not applicable0
#Qiu ZhiyuanDomestic natural person0.24%969,7000Not applicable0
Shareholding of the top 10 non-restrictive shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing and shares locked by senior management)
Shareholder nameNumber of unrestricted shares heldType and number of shares
Type of sharesQuantity
AVIC International Holding Co., Ltd.162,977,327RMB ordinary shares162,977,327
#Wu Jilin19,170,478RMB ordinary shares19,170,478
Xu Guoliang5,524,268RMB ordinary shares5,524,268
Qiu Hong2,510,000RMB ordinary shares2,510,000
#Zhu Rui2,044,200RMB ordinary shares2,044,200
#Qu Yongjie1,331,900RMB ordinary shares1,331,900
#Wang Xing1,302,500RMB ordinary shares1,302,500
Chen Hao1,149,543RMB ordinary shares1,149,543
#Zhu Xian1,072,540RMB ordinary shares1,072,540
#Qiu Zhiyuan969,700RMB ordinary shares969,700
Explanation of the aforementioned shareholders' association or concerted actionThe Company is unaware of whether the aforementioned 10 shareholders are related or constitute concerted actors.
Explanation of the top 10 shareholders' participation in securities margin trading (if any)1. In addition to holding 9,451,977 shares through the ordinary securities account, Wu Jilin, the shareholder of the company, also holds 9,718,501 shares through the client credit trading guarantee securities account of CICC Wealth Management holding 19,170,478 shares in total; 2. In addition to holding 188,800 shares through the ordinary securities account, Zhu Rui, the shareholder of the company, also holds 1,855,400 shares in the client credit trading guarantee securities account of First Capital Securities Co., Ltd., holding a total of 2,044,200 shares; 3. In addition to holding 59,000 shares through the ordinary securities account, Qu Yongjie, the shareholder of the company, also held 1,272,900 shares through the customer credit trading

guarantee securities account of Shanxi Securities Co., Ltd.,holding a total of 1,331,900 shares;

4. In addition to holding 882,500 shares through the ordinarysecurities account, Wang Xing, the shareholder of the company,also holds 420,000 shares through the customer credit tradingguarantee securities account of China Merchants Securities co.Ltd. (CMS), holding a total of 1,302,500 share;

5. Shareholder Zhu Xian holds 35,000 shares through a regular

securities account and 1,037,540 shares through a customermargin trading collateral securities account of HuachuangSecurities Co., Ltd., totaling 1,072,540 shares;

6. Shareholder Qiu Zhiyuan holds 969,700 shares through acustomer margin trading collateral securities account of HuafuSecurities Co., Ltd.

Participation of shareholders holding more than 5%, the top 10 shareholders, and the top 10 shareholders of unlimitedoutstanding shares in securities margin tradingNot applicableChanges in the top 10 shareholders, and the top 10 shareholders of unlimited outstanding shares due to securitiesmargin trading compared to the previous periodNot applicable(II) Total number of preferred shareholders and the top 10 preferred shareholders' holdingsNot applicable

III. Other Important Matters

1. General election of the Board of Directors

In the 20th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in2024, the Proposals on General Election of Non-independent Directors and the Proposals on General Election ofIndependent Directors was approved. Mr. Zhang Xuhua, Mr. Wang Bo, Mr. Li Peiyin, Mr. Deng Jianghu, Mr. GuoGaohang, and Mr. Pan Bo were elected as the non-independent directors of the company's 11th Board of Directors.Mr. Wang Susheng, Mr. Wang Wenbo and Mr. Cao Guangzhong were elected as independent directors of thecompany's 11th Board of Directors. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the General Election of theBoard of Directors 2024-027 disclosed by the Company on the CNINFO website on August 21, 2024.At the first meeting of the company's 11th Board of Directors, Mr. Zhang Xuhua was elected as the Chairman ofthe Company。 For details, please refer to the Announcement on the First Meeting of the 11th Board of Directors2024-035 disclosed by the Company on the CNINFO website on September 7, 2024.

2. General election of the board of supervisors

The 18th meeting of the 10th Supervisory Board and the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in2024 approved the proposal on the General Election of shareholder representative supervisors for the SupervisoryBoard. Ms. Hu Min and Mr. Yuan Tianbo were elected as shareholder representative supervisors of the company's11th Supervisory Board. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the General Election of the Board ofSupervisors 2024-028 disclosed by the Company on the CNINFO website on August 21, 2024.

The employee representative congress of the company elected Ms. Hu Jing as the employee representativesupervisor of the company's 11th Board of Supervisors. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the GeneralElection of Employee Representative Supervisors 2024-033 disclosed by the company on the CNINFO website onAugust 27.

At the first meeting of the company's 11th Board of Supervisors, Ms. Hu Min was elected as the Chairman of theBoard of Supervisors. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the First Meeting of the 11th Board ofSupervisors 2024-036 disclosed by the Company on the CNINFO website on September 7, 2024.

3. Renewal of the financial service agreement with AVIC Finance Co., Ltd.

The 20th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in2024 approved the Proposal to Sign A Financial Services Framework Agreement with AVIC Finance Co., Ltd. It wasdecided to terminate the original contract with AVIC Finance Co., Ltd. and to re-sign the "Financial ServicesFramework Agreement." For details, please refer to the Announcement on Related Party Transactions on Signing aFinancial Service Framework Agreement with AVIC Finance Co., Ltd. 2024-029 disclosed on the CNINFO website onAugust 21, 2024.

4. Matters related to the 2018 A-share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Phase II)

Due to the resignation of two of the original incentive recipients and the passing of one original incentive recipientfrom the company's 2018 A-share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Phase II), the Company's 20th meeting of the 10thBoard of Directors and the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2024 approved the repurchase andcancellation of the total 90,180 A-share restricted stocks that had been granted to the above person but not yet liftedfrom restriction, and the creditors were notified as required. For details, please refer to the announcements disclosedby the Company on the CNINFO website on August 21, 2024, and September 7, 2024, titled Announcement on theRepurchase and Cancellation of Part of the Restricted Stocks in the 2018 A-share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan(Phase II) (2024-030) and Announcement on the Notification to Creditors Regarding the Repurchase and Cancellationof Part of the Restricted Stocks and Reduction of Registered Capital (2024-037).IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

Sept. 30, 2024

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding BalanceOpening balance
Current assets:
Cash and bank balances537,700,961.71504,629,153.71
Deposit reservation for balance
Lending funds
Trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable24,606,908.6018,268,972.37
Accounts receivable338,894,430.91323,142,761.64
Receivables financing
Premiums receivable
Cession premiums receivable
Provision of cession receivable
Other receivables61,159,058.9857,725,792.00
Including: Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
Redemptory monetary capital for sale
Including: Data resources
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets86,272,600.6272,249,391.81
Total current assets3,117,395,360.533,083,253,486.79
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances offered
Debt investment
Other debt investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments51,952,479.3651,862,607.30
Other equity instrument investments
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties348,485,340.81360,255,832.14
Fixed assets340,420,482.15355,785,354.68
Construction in progress
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets107,866,365.74109,452,481.64
Intangible assets30,422,160.0331,664,380.77
Including: Data resources
Development expenditures
Including: Data resources
Long-term prepaid expenses112,595,737.01122,324,355.13
Deferred income tax assets77,320,228.0280,227,771.46
Other non-current assets2,353,256.109,434,627.17
Total non-current assets1,071,416,049.221,121,007,410.29
Total assets4,188,811,409.754,204,260,897.08
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans320,207,333.32250,187,763.87
Borrowing from the central bank
Borrowed funds
Trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable101,584,073.03173,825,907.71
Advances from customer9,052,024.5010,267,758.31
Contract liabilities20,023,549.0212,286,243.62
Financial assets sold for repurchase
Deposits from customers and interbank
Receivings from vicariously traded securities
Funds received as stock underwrite
Employee benefits payable75,933,801.61120,084,810.60
Taxes payable60,970,785.2864,188,161.31
Other payables114,717,552.05121,937,801.07
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable2,785,293.142,058,352.24
Service charges and commissions
Cession premiums payable
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year71,407,342.6666,399,004.20
Other current liabilities2,200,523.891,589,635.30
Total current liabilities776,096,985.36820,767,085.99
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve
Long-term loans
Bonds payable
Including: preferred stock
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities35,786,485.6943,526,352.52
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income952,785.69952,785.69
Deferred tax liability5,322,219.525,208,920.69
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities42,061,490.9049,688,058.90
Total liabilities818,158,476.26870,455,144.89
Owner's equity:
Share capital405,854,187.00415,219,970.00
Other equity instruments
Including: preferred stock
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve936,316,152.19990,159,033.17
Less: treasury stock13,379,181.8178,645,532.23
Other comprehensive income18,034,734.9019,325,335.93
Special reserve4,025,988.193,223,158.06
Surplus reserves275,010,401.50275,010,401.50
General risk provisions
Undistributed profits1,744,790,651.521,709,513,385.76
Total equity attributable to the owner of the parent company3,370,652,933.493,333,805,752.19
Minority interests
Total owner's equity3,370,652,933.493,333,805,752.19
Total liabilities and owner's equity4,188,811,409.754,204,260,897.08

Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

2. Consolidated income statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the reportingperiod

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
I. Total operating income3,039,766,900.133,527,243,623.07
Including: Operating revenue3,039,766,900.133,527,243,623.07
Interest income
Premiums earned
Income from service charges and commissions
II. Total operating cost2,789,227,954.273,193,712,123.89
Including: Operating costs1,910,085,181.052,256,476,548.22
Interest expense
Expenditures of service charges and commissions
Surrender value
Net payments for insurance claims
Withdrawal of net provision for insurance contracts
Expenditure of policy dividend
Reinsurance costs
Taxes and surcharges20,647,103.4425,345,712.61
Selling and Distribution Expenses673,760,699.02691,195,217.89
General and Administrative Expenses127,780,770.41160,446,439.91
R&D Expenditures42,788,996.2143,344,236.22
Financial expenses14,165,204.1416,903,969.04
Including: interest expenses8,083,091.189,642,227.49
Interest income3,418,830.954,131,111.69
Plus: other income3,418,006.558,149,590.70
Investment income (losses indicated with "-")495,966.46-1,697,481.65
Including: income from investment in associates and joint ventures89,872.06-1,697,481.65
Gains from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost
Exchange gain (loss presented with“-”)
Net exposure hedging gains (losses indicated with "-")
Gains on changes in fair value (losses indicated with "-")
Credit impairment losses (losses presented with "-")1,562,607.224,685,503.40
Asset impairment loss (loss expressed with "-")28,336.82
Asset disposal income (loss expressed with "-")2,653,033.29892,421.07
III. Operating profit (losses indicated with "-")258,696,896.20345,561,532.70
Plus: non-operating revenue1,625,836.27663,757.42
Less: non-operating expenses429,283.85651,662.32
IV. Total profit (total losses indicated with "-")259,893,448.62345,573,627.80
Less: income tax expenses62,270,500.0680,015,634.99
V. Net profit (net losses indicated197,622,948.56265,557,992.81
with "-")
(I) Classified by business continuity
1. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss indicated with "-")197,622,948.56265,557,992.81
2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss indicated with "-")
(II) Classified by ownership
1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company ("-" for net losses)197,622,948.56265,557,992.81
2. Minority interest income ("-" for net losses)
VI. Net of tax from other comprehensive income-1,290,601.037,793,849.07
Net amount of other comprehensive income after tax attributable to owners of the parent company-1,290,601.037,793,849.07
(I) Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be reclassified into profit and loss
1. Changes in re-measurement of the defined benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments
4. Changes in fair value of enterprise's own credit risk
5. Other
(II) Other comprehensive income that can be re-classified into profit and loss-1,290,601.037,793,849.07
1. Other comprehensive income that can be carried forward to profit and loss under the equity method
2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments
3. The amount of financial assets reclassified and included in other comprehensive income
4. Credit impairment reserves of other debt investment
5. Cash flow hedge reserve
6. Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements-1,290,601.037,793,849.07
7. Other
Net of tax from other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders
VII. Total comprehensive income196,332,347.53273,351,841.88
(1) Total comprehensive income196,332,347.53273,351,841.88
attributable to owners of the parent company
(2) Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share0.48240.6439
(II) Diluted earnings per share0.48180.6439

Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui

3. Consolidated cash flow statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the reportingperiod

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services3,305,394,563.133,812,300,160.43
Net increase in deposits from customers and interbank
Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial institutions
Cash received for premiums under the original insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase in deposits from the insured and investment funds
Cash received for interest, service charges and commissions
Net increase in borrowed funds
Net increase in funds of repurchasing business
Net cash received from vicariously traded securities
Refund of taxes and surcharges1,953,384.441,273,051.27
Cash received from other operating activities35,362,922.7552,079,384.91
Sub-total of cash inflow from operating activities3,342,710,870.323,865,652,596.61
Cash paid for purchase of goods and rendering of services2,125,354,281.822,412,313,846.34
Net increase in loans and advances to customers
Net increase in deposits in the central bank and deposits from interbank
Cash paid for the compensation under the original insurance contract
Net increase in lending funds
Cash paid for interest, service
charges and commissions
Cash paid for policy dividends
Cash paid to and for employees468,285,742.10481,935,681.22
Taxes and fees paid175,398,254.82206,597,758.05
Other cash payments relating to operating activities256,304,630.20285,730,827.89
Sub-total of cash outflow from operating activities3,025,342,908.943,386,578,113.50
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities317,367,961.38479,074,483.11
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash received from disinvestment
Cash received from investment income353,144.14500,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets4,820,218.371,203,099.10
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash received from other investing activities171,506,575.50
Sub-total of cash inflow from investing activities176,679,938.011,703,099.10
Cash paid to acquire and construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets60,055,827.1658,184,503.58
Cash paid for investments
Net increase in pledged loans
Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units
Cash paid for other investing activities215,214,392.40
Sub-total of cash outflow from investing activities275,270,219.5658,184,503.58
Net cash flows from operating activities-98,590,281.55-56,481,404.48
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from investors
Including: Cash received from the investment of minority shareholders of the subsidiaries
Cash received from borrowings320,000,000.00250,000,000.00
Cash received from other financing activities
Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities320,000,000.00250,000,000.00
Cash paid for debt repayments250,000,000.00240,000,000.00
Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment of interest166,775,880.35112,333,808.97
Including: Dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders
Cash paid for other financing88,815,458.65151,416,099.18
Sub-total of cash flows from financing activities505,591,339.00503,749,908.15
Net cash flows from financing activities-185,591,339.00-253,749,908.15
IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents-114,532.83-159,124.40
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents33,071,808.00168,684,046.08
Add: opening balance of cash and cash equivalents504,629,153.71313,738,389.64
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents537,700,961.71482,422,435.72

Legal Representative: Zhang Xuhua CFO: Song Yaoming Financial Manager: Tian Hui(II) Adjustment of items related to the financial statements at the beginning ofthe year when the new accounting standards are implemented for the first timesince 2024Not applicable(III) Auditors' Report

Whether the Q3 report has been auditedNo

FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

Board of DirectorsOctober 26, 2024
