
查股网  2025-02-22  海康威视(002415)公司公告


2024 Fiscal Year Financial Preview

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") andall members of the Board of Directors hereby guarantee that the information presented in this reportshall be truthful, accurate and complete of its contents and shall be free of any false records,misleading statements or material omissions.

Note: The 2024 annual financial data provided in this announcement is preliminary accounting data,which has been reviewed by internal audit. The certified public accountants’ audit has not beenperformed yet. Differences may occur in the finalized audited financial report. Please pay attentionto the potential investment risk.

I. Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators for Fiscal Year 2024


20242023YoY Change (%)
Operating Profit14,284,639,363.5516,039,575,528.98-10.94%
Total Profit14,316,515,409.4316,099,215,632.11-11.07%
Net Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent Company11,958,811,147.2614,107,726,276.26-15.23%
Net Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent Company Excluding Non-Recurring Gains and Losses11,796,542,391.0613,665,962,325.65-13.68%
Basic Earnings per Share1.2951.520-14.80%
Weighted Average ROE (%)15.32%19.64%-4.32%
At December 31, 2024At January 1, 2024YoY Change (%)
Total Assets132,058,069,945.84138,858,122,879.55-4.90%
Total Owners’ Equity Attributable to Owners of the Company80,650,145,947.1676,354,265,540.145.63%
Share Capital Note 29,233,198,3269,330,600,931-1.04%
Net Assets per Share Attributable to Owners of the Company8.7358.1836.75%

Note 1: The above data is filled out based on the Company’s consolidated statement. (The data ofthe previous year and the beginning of the reporting period have been restated due to theretrospective adjustment under common control consolidation.)Note 2: During the reporting period, the Company's total share capital changed from9,330,600,931shares to 9,233,198,326 shares due to the implementation of the repurchase and cancellation ofrestricted shares.II. Information about Preliminary Operational and Financial ResultsIn 2024, the growth rate of the Company's domestic business declined, while the overseas marketsaw steady growth. The Company remained confident, continued to focus on technologicalinnovation, and strived to improve operational efficiency, promoting the stable development of itsbusiness.

In 2024, the Company achieved revenue of RMB92,485,545,703.86, representing a year-over-yeargrowth of 3.52%; the operating profit was RMB14,284,639,363.55, a decrease of 10.94% over thesame period of the previous year; the total profit was RMB14,316,515,409.43, a decrease of 11.07%over the same period of the previous year; the net profit attributable to owners of parent companyamounted to RMB11,958,811,147.26, a decrease of 15.23% over the year of 2023.

III. Documents Available for Reference

1. The comparative balance sheet and income statement signed and sealed by the person in chargeof the Company, the responsible person in charge of accounting work, and the person in charge of

accounting organization.

2. Internal audit report signed by the person in charge of the internal audit department.


The Board of Directors

February 22, 2025

Note: This document is a translated version of the Chinese 2024 Fiscal Year Financial Preview(“2024年度业绩快报”), and the published announcement in the Chinese version shall prevail. TheChinese 2024 Fiscal Year Financial Preview document may be obtained at www.cninfo.com.cn.
