
http://ddx.gubit.cn  2023-11-09  光峰科技(688007)公司公告

Stock Code: 688007 Stock Short Name: Appotronics

Appotronics Corporation LimitedThe Third Quarter Report in 2023

The Board of Directors and all the directors of the Company warrant that theinformation contained in this Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleadingstatement or material omission, and agree to assume the liability for the truth, accuracy andcompleteness of this Report according to the law.

Important note:

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior officers of theCompany hereby warrant that the information contained in this Quarter Report is true, accurate andcomplete and this Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or major omission, andagree to assume joint and several liability for this Quarter Report.The Principal of the Company, Chief Accountant and Person in Charge of the Accounting Body (ChiefAccountants) warrant the information presented in the financial statements in this Quarter Report is true,accurate and complete.Whether the third quarter financial statements have been audited

□ Yes √ No

本报告为深圳光峰科技股份有限公司自愿披露的《2023年第三季度报告(英文版)》,对本报告的中英文版本理解上发生歧义时,以中文版本为准。This is the Third Quarter Report in 2023 (English version) voluntarily disclosed by AppotronicsCorporation Limited. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of thisreport, the Chinese version shall prevail.

I. Main financial dataMain accounting data and financial indicators

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

ItemDuring the reporting periodChange on a year-on-year basis (%)From the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting periodChange on a year-on-year basis (%)
Operating income577,380,260.71-4.801,650,629,298.46-12.00
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company53,644,544.2918.19128,559,185.2440.72
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss42,267,983.5931.3976,496,823.2041.20
Net cash flow from operating activitiesN/AN/A208,932,567.641,762.17
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.1220.000.2840.00
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)0.1220.000.2840.00
Weighted average return on net assets (%)1.93+0.15 percentage points4.72+1.08 percentage points
Total R&D investments68,441,192.3215.44194,847,334.4411.82
Proportion of R&D expenses to operating income (%)11.85+2.07 percentage points11.80+2.51 percentage points
At the end of the reporting periodAt the end of the prior yearChanges at the end of the reporting period from the end of the prior year (%)
Total assets4,305,528,862.784,333,350,260.15-0.64
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company2,830,415,789.012,647,663,487.596.90

Note: The term “reporting period” refers to a period of three months from the beginning of this quarterto the end of this quarter, same as below.Items and amounts of non-recurring profit or loss

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

ItemAmount for the reporting periodAmount from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting periodDescription
Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets-109,829.18-325,962.05
Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current period (excluding government grants that are closely related to the business of the Company and are provided in fixed amount or quantity continuously according to the applicable polices and standards of the country)2,385,718.1235,584,533.69
Profit or loss on entrusted investments or assets management2,645,606.787,844,315.33
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the beginning of the period up to the business combination date recognized as a result of business combination of enterprises involving enterprises under common control7,247,100.3822,171,089.58
Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, and investment income on disposal of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments, other than those used in the effective hedging activities relating to normal operating business67,000.00
Reversal of impairment loss on accounts receivable and contract assets tested for impairment individually69,851.05
Other non-operating income and expenses93,546.94108,027.87
Other gains or losses meeting the definition of non-recurring profit or loss34,051.66476,112.73
Less: Effect of income taxes716,894.134,185,991.02
Effects attributable to minority interests (net of tax)202,739.879,746,615.14

Description of defining non-recurring profit or loss items illustrated in Information Disclosure andPresentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 1 - Non-recurring Profit orLoss as recurring profit or loss items

□ Applicable √ N/A

Description of and reasons for changes in the main accounting data and financial indicators

√ Applicable □ N/A

ItemChange (%)Main reason
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company _ from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period40.72Primarily due to changes in the income structure in the first three quarters, in which the gross profit margin increased by 6.72 percentage points.
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss _ from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period41.20Primarily due to changes in the income structure in the first three quarters, in which the gross profit margin increased by 6.72 percentage points.
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss _ the reporting period31.39Primarily due to changes in the income structure during the reporting period, which lead to the increase in the gross profit margin and decrease in period expenses.
Net cash flow from operating activities _ from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period1,762.17Primarily due to the optimized supply chain management, decreased payment for procurement, and net recovery of security deposits during the reporting period.
Basic earnings per share _ from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period40.00Primarily due to the increase in net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company for the first three quarters.
Diluted earnings per share _ from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting period40.00Primarily due to the increase in net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company for the first three quarters.

Analysis of business operation during the reporting period

During the reporting period, the Company continued its focus on the ALPD

?semiconductor laserlight source technology and architecture to solidify the long-term development trend of resilient businessand high-quality growth. For the first three quarters of 2023, the Company achieved the operatingincome of RMB 1,651 million; the net profit attributable to the parent company of RMB 129 million,increased by 40.72% year on year; and the overall gross profit margin of the Company was 38.12%, anincrease of 6.72 percentage points year on year; and the net cash flow from operating activities of RMB209 million, greatly increased by RMB 198 million year on year and reflecting the stable overalldevelopment.In the third quarter of 2023, the Company received more nominations for its business of automotive

core components, which continued the release of its technical advantages, and continued optimizationefforts at the request of customers to complete tasks for product development, verification, and delivery.Thanks to the fully recovery of the film market, the business of cinema core components continued itsstrong recovery. The dedicated display business continued the stable development. The householdbusiness, under the circumstance of prudent consumption of the public, experienced a weakconsumption demand on the market, hence becoming the main reason for the pressure on the businessincomes of the Company. The operating highlights of the Company during the reporting period include:

1. Business of automotive core components

During the reporting period, the Company received the Development Nomination Letter fromHasco Vision Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., in which the Company has been designated as itssupplier for automotive optics solutions to provide PGU display module products. This indicates a newbreakthrough achieved by the Company in the AR-HUD field to provide consumers with better assisteddriving experience.In the field of automotive optics, the Company has released multiple solutions for three majorapplication directions, namely AR-HUD, laser headlights, and automotive display, which achieved stableoperation of the light generators as the core component and the PGU under the high-temperatureworking environment of the cockpit while being compatible with freeform surface modeling and waveguide, hence producing the advantages of smaller size, higher brightness, and greater efficiency.

The Company has insisted on independent innovation and making R&D investments in the businessof automotive core components to maintain its head start advantages in the field of automotive opticstechnologies. In the third quarter of 2023, the Company had 22 new patents granted and applicationsfiled for automotive optics technologies; as of September 30, 2023, we have a total of 191 patents forautomotive optics technologies granted and filed, an increase by 39.41% year on year.

2. Business of cinema core components

While the high-quality films of diversified subjects shown one after the other met the diversifieddemands of audience, the domestic film market became active, especially in the summer holiday of 2023,which reached a record high box office. Thanks to the film market conditions above, our business ofcinema projection services continued the high-growth trend in the first three quarters of 2023, whichcontinuously improved our core indicators including the overall profitability, cash flow, etc.

Relying on the energy-efficient ALPD

?semiconductor laser light source technologies and profoundaccumulation in the film industry, we continued our efforts on the domestic cinema market. In the thirdquarter of 2023, we achieved the new installation of nearly 500 leased light sources; as of September 30,2023, over 29,000 sets of ALPD

?laser light source projection solutions have been installed throughoutChina, which continued the high-quality development of the business of cinema projection services.

II. Shareholder informationTable of total number of ordinary shareholders and preferred shareholders with resumed voting right aswell as shareholding status of top 10 shareholders

Unit: Share

Total number of ordinary shareholders as of the end of the reporting period14,162Total number of preferred shareholders with resumed voting right during the reporting period (if any)N/A
Shareholding status of top 10 shareholders
Shareholder nameShareholder natureNumber of shares heldProportion of shareholding (%)Number of restricted shares heldNumber of restricted shares held, including the shares lent out under the refinancing arrangementShares pledged, marked or frozen
Share statusQuantity
Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings LimitedDomestic non-state owned legal person79,762,67917.3200None-
Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser Industrial Investment Consulting Partnership (LP)Domestic non-state owned legal person24,139,5005.2400None-
Nantong Strait Appotronics Investment Partnership (LP)Domestic non-state owned legal person22,780,3294.9500None-
Shenzhen Appotronics Daye Investment Partnership (LP)Domestic non-state owned legal person20,430,2504.4400None-
Shenzhen Appotronics Hongye Investment Partnership (LP)Domestic non-state owned legal person15,662,3743.4000None-
Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment Limited Partnership (LP)Domestic non-state owned legal person12,353,1062.6800None-
Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye Consulting Partnership (LP)Domestic non-state owned legal person10,394,8462.2600None-
Bank of China Co., Ltd. - YFD Stable Income Bond Securities Investment FundOthers10,376,2752.2500None-
LUO XiaobinDomestic natural person7,298,4041.5900None-
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. - Tianhong Yongli Bond Securities Investment FundOthers6,926,7751.5000None-
Shareholding status of top 10 unrestricted shareholders
Shareholder nameQuantity of unrestricted outstanding shares heldType and quantity of shares
Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings Limited79,762,679RMB-denominated ordinary share79,762,679
Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser Industrial Investment Consulting Partnership (LP)24,139,500RMB-denominated ordinary share24,139,500
Nantong Strait Appotronics Investment Partnership (LP)22,780,329RMB-denominated ordinary share22,780,329
Shenzhen Appotronics Daye Investment Partnership (LP)20,430,250RMB-denominated ordinary share20,430,250
Shenzhen Appotronics Hongye Investment Partnership (LP)15,662,374RMB-denominated ordinary share15,662,374
Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment Limited Partnership (LP)12,353,106RMB-denominated ordinary share12,353,106
Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye Consulting Partnership (LP)10,394,846RMB-denominated ordinary share10,394,846
Bank of China Co., Ltd. - YFD Stable Income Bond Securities Investment Fund10,376,275RMB-denominated ordinary share10,376,275
LUO Xiaobin7,298,404RMB-denominated ordinary share7,298,404
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. - Tianhong Yongli Bond Securities Investment Fund6,926,775RMB-denominated ordinary share6,926,775
Affiliates or concert parties among the shareholders stated above1. As of September 30, 2023, the following entities in top 10 shareholders of the Company constituted person acting in concert: Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser Industrial Investment Consulting Partnership (LP), Shenzhen Appotronics Daye Investment Partnership (LP), Shenzhen Appotronics Hongye Investment Partnership (LP), Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment Limited Partnership (LP), and Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye Consulting Partnership (LP). 2. Except for the above, we are not aware of whether there are affiliates or concert parties as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of the Listed Companies among other shareholders.
Description of margin trading, short selling, and refinancing involving top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of non-restricted sharesN/A

III. Other remindersOther important information related to the Company’s business operation that investors are requested topay attention to during the reporting period

√ Applicable □ N/A

During the reporting period, details of petition for invalidation involving the Company are stated asbelow:

1. As of the end of the reporting period, the Company have initiated a total of 3 invalidationpetitions against the patents held by Delta Electronics, Inc., and China National Intellectual PropertyAdministration has declared all the patents under the invalidation petitions above invalid.

2. As of the end of the reporting period, 1 invalidation petition has been initiated against a patentheld by the Company, involving the patent “phosphor layer, component and corresponding light sourceand projection system, and corresponding production method” (patent No.: ZL201510420950.4); ChinaNational Intellectual Property Administration has decided that the patent shall be sustained.

IV. Quarter financial statements(I) Audit opinion

□ Applicable √ N/A

(II) Financial statements

Consolidated Balance Sheet

September 30, 2023Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB, Unaudited

ItemSeptember 30, 2023December 31, 2022
Current Assets:
Monetary funds1,324,028,949.451,355,882,208.63
Balances with clearing agencies
Placements with banks and other financial institutions
Held-for-trading financial assets512,880,000.00352,880,000.00
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable4,878,319.742,234,687.77
Accounts receivable199,038,929.76208,260,235.79
Receivables financing5,419,150.004,279,041.00
Premiums receivable
Amounts receivable under reinsurance contracts
Reinsurer’s share of insurance contract reserves
Other receivables27,004,516.6426,331,721.55
Including: Interest receivable
Dividend receivable14,216,004.0013,789,908.00
Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
Contract assets1,796,634.651,061,581.35
Held-for-sale assets
Non-current assets due within 1 year38,476,429.7913,431,554.82
Other current assets90,695,468.40106,502,611.79
Total current assets2,993,697,785.462,984,949,581.35
Non-current Assets:
Loans and advances
Debt investments
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables29,355,813.4011,524,193.80
Long-term equity investments149,480,326.31162,394,917.57
Investment in other equity instruments7,075,419.387,075,419.38
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties
Fixed assets354,463,024.21427,539,718.53
Construction in progress328,713,619.78278,978,057.73
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets47,725,408.1562,255,670.29
Intangible assets282,850,835.71290,341,693.08
Development expenditure
Long-term prepaid expenses7,603,183.415,990,984.03
Deferred tax assets84,073,372.2789,730,936.02
Other non-current assets20,490,074.7012,569,088.37
Total non-current assets1,311,831,077.321,348,400,678.80
Total assets4,305,528,862.784,333,350,260.15
Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings90,062,183.34129,589,634.03
Loans from the central bank
Taking from banks and other financial institutions
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable79,941,708.13201,299,388.57
Accounts payable279,193,280.25276,845,321.28
Receipts in advance102,001,516.53113,834,728.10
Contract liabilities49,214,950.7637,285,920.43
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
Customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions
Funds from securities trading agency
Funds from underwriting securities agency
Employee benefits payable34,961,626.3558,470,960.55
Taxes payable9,809,349.518,272,768.90
Other payables49,911,900.0956,662,357.08
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Fees and commissions payable
Amounts payable under reinsurance contracts
Held-for-sale liabilities
Non-current liabilities due within 1 year210,494,864.67178,031,817.37
Other current liabilities10,597,473.0228,383,608.37
Total current liabilities916,188,852.651,088,676,504.68
Non-current Liabilities:
Insurance contract reserves
Long-term borrowings463,601,985.45403,720,542.45
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities21,151,932.8434,319,284.23
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income5,629,181.128,651,422.26
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities548,811,828.03503,155,131.81
Total liabilities1,465,000,680.681,591,831,636.49
Owners’ Equity (Shareholders’ Equity):
Paid-in capital (or share capital)460,406,538.00457,107,538.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve1,602,825,858.581,530,752,116.04
Less: Treasury shares19,377,297.5919,377,297.59
Other comprehensive income9,192,476.985,736,897.41
Special reserve
Surplus reserve75,519,782.0675,519,782.06
General risk reserve
Retained profits701,848,430.98597,924,451.67
Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity attributable to owners of the parent company2,830,415,789.012,647,663,487.59
Minority interests10,112,393.0993,855,136.07
Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity2,840,528,182.102,741,518,623.66
Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’) equity4,305,528,862.784,333,350,260.15

Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of theAccounting Body: WANG Yingxia

Consolidated Income StatementJanuary - September 2023Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB, Unaudited

ItemThe first three quarters in 2023 (Jan. - Sep.)The first three quarters in 2022 (Jan. - Sep.)
I. Total operating income1,650,629,298.461,875,806,319.07
Including: Operating income1,650,629,298.461,875,806,319.07
Interest income
Premiums earned
Fee and commission income
II. Total operating costs1,542,669,966.991,818,361,563.44
Including: Operating costs1,021,366,808.391,286,752,064.01
Interest expenses
Fee and commission expenses
Claims and policyholder benefits (net of amounts recoverable from reinsurers)
Net withdrawal of insurance contract reserves
Insurance policyholder dividends
Expenses for reinsurance accepted
Taxes and surcharges5,858,273.158,705,987.65
Selling expenses218,998,049.76200,257,568.83
Administrative expenses119,450,993.66163,525,277.50
R&D expenses194,847,334.44174,246,551.26
Financial expenses-17,851,492.41-15,125,885.81
Including: Interest expense13,151,617.0718,844,776.16
Interest income24,619,974.5910,707,361.63
Add: Other income30,947,993.5527,706,973.61
Investment income (loss is indicated by “-”)-4,775,953.8113,360.80
Including: Income from investments in associates and joint ventures-12,687,269.14-9,299,223.08
Gains from derecognition of financial assets at amortized assets
Foreign exchange gains (loss is indicated by “-”)
Gains from net exposure hedges (loss is indicated by “-”)
Gains from changes in fair values (loss is indicated by “-”)-2,009,000.00
Losses of credit impairment (loss is indicated by “-”)-8,626,426.923,912,023.56
Impairment losses of assets (loss is indicated by “-”)-37,160,710.01-27,117,996.54
Gains from disposal of assets (loss is indicated by “-”)67,005.93123,037.54
III. Operating profit (loss is indicated by “-”)88,411,240.2160,073,154.60
Add: Non-operating income9,564,777.53501,785.71
Less: Non-operating expenses849,717.642,038,616.70
IV. Total profits (total losses are indicated by “-”)97,126,300.1058,536,323.61
Less: Income tax expenses22,251,378.0722,417,671.57
V. Net profits (net losses are indicated by “-”)74,874,922.0336,118,652.04
(I) Categorized by the continuity of operation
1. Net profits from continuing operations (net losses are indicated by “-”)74,874,922.0336,118,652.04
2. Net profits from discontinued operations (net losses are indicated by “-”)
(II) Categorized by the ownership
1. Net profits attributable to shareholders of the parent company (net losses are indicated by “-”)128,559,185.2491,356,217.12
2. Profits or losses attributable to minority shareholders (net losses are indicated by “-”)-53,684,263.21-55,237,565.08
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax2,177,529.3119,825,712.36
(I) Other comprehensive income that can be attributable to owners of the parent company, net of tax3,455,579.5720,714,964.79
1. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
(1) Changes from remeasurement of defined benefit plans
(2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
(3) Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments
(4) Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own credit risks
2. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss3,455,579.5720,714,964.79
(1) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method-5,564,055.75-17,884,048.14
(2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments
(3) Amount of financial assets reclassified to other comprehensive income
(4) Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments
(5) Reserve for cash flow hedges
(6) Exchange differences on translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies9,019,635.3238,599,012.93
(7) Others
(II) Other comprehensive income that can be attributable to minority shareholders, net of tax-1,278,050.26-889,252.43
VII. Total comprehensive income77,052,451.3455,944,364.40
(I) Total comprehensive income that can be attributable to owners of the parent company132,014,764.81112,071,181.91
(II) Total comprehensive income that can be attributable to minority shareholders-54,962,313.47-56,126,817.51
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.280.20
(II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)0.280.20

In the event of business combinations involving enterprises under common control, the net profitsrealized prior to the combination by the party being absorbed is: RMB 0.00, and the net profits realizedin the last period by the party being absorbed is: RMB 0.00.Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of theAccounting Body: WANG Yingxia

Consolidated Cash Flow StatementJanuary - September 2023Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited

Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB, Unaudited

ItemThe first three quarters in 2023 (Jan. - Sep.)The first three quarters in 2022 (Jan. - Sep.)
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services1,757,565,303.262,164,236,179.89
Net increase in customer deposits and deposits from banks and other financial institutions
Net increase in loans from the central bank
Net increase in taking from banks and other financial institutions
Cash receipts from premiums under direct insurance contracts
Net cash receipts from reinsurance business
Net cash receipts from policyholders’ deposits and investment contract liabilities
Cash receipts from interest, fees and commissions
Net increase in taking from banks
Net increase in financial assets sold under repurchase arrangements
Net cash received from securities trading agencies
Receipts of tax refunds9,099,429.165,838,929.38
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities147,180,568.7748,236,150.56
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities1,913,845,301.192,218,311,259.83
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received1,011,990,601.621,515,632,936.78
Net increase in loans and advances to customers
Net increase in balance with the central bank and due from banks and other financial institutions
Cash payments for claims and policyholders’ benefits under direct insurance contracts
Net increase in placements with banks and other financial institutions
Cash payments for interest, fees and commissions
Cash payments for insurance policyholder dividends
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees335,781,983.08323,124,265.49
Payments of various types of taxes44,740,201.9273,909,253.09
Other cash payments relating to operating activities312,399,946.93294,424,967.06
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities1,704,912,733.552,207,091,422.42
Net cash flow from operating activities208,932,567.6411,219,837.41
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash receipts from disposals and recovery of investments1,095,997,200.001,580,644,186.95
Cash receipts from investment income7,911,315.339,312,583.88
Net cash receipts from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets182,825.002,210.00
Net cash receipts from disposals of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities8,085,360.00
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities1,104,091,340.331,598,044,340.83
Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets73,389,029.37109,638,548.45
Cash payments to acquire investments1,255,816,480.001,330,000,000.00
Net increase in pledged loans receivables
Net cash payments for acquisitions of subsidiaries and other business units11,831,365.16
Other cash payments relating to investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities1,341,036,874.531,439,638,548.45
Net cash flows from investment activities-236,945,534.20158,405,792.38
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from capital contributions50,609,959.0051,233,634.36
Including: Cash receipts from capital contributions from minority shareholders of subsidiaries
Cash receipts from borrowings273,665,768.86346,952,995.19
Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities324,275,727.86398,186,629.55
Cash repayments of borrowings219,509,994.00152,403,832.00
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of interest expenses57,297,337.7067,299,926.03
Including: Payments for distribution of dividends or profits to minority shareholders of subsidiaries11,040,000.00
Other cash payments relating to financing activities25,485,551.9740,688,919.08
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities302,292,883.67260,392,677.11
Net cash flows from financing activities21,982,844.19137,793,952.44
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents8,243,426.2423,809,674.61
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents2,213,303.87331,229,256.84
Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents1,254,582,403.12891,195,166.73
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents1,256,795,706.991,222,424,423.57

Principal of the Company: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of theAccounting Body: WANG Yingxia

Description of adjustments in opening balances of line items in financial statements of the year due toinitial adoption of new accounting standards or interpretations of standards since 2023

□ Applicable √ N/A

Be it hereby announced.

Board of Directors of Appotronics Corporation Limited

October 25, 2023
